Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Swine Flu

Image from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8028371.stm

Everybody´s talking, thinking...about SWINE FLU

What is it?

How to avoid it?

Some tips and info at:


  • Thinking about Language...

  1. What form of verb is used in "How to Wash your Hands"?

Send your answers to carbelenallende_efl@hotmail.com

Or Make a comment

  • Finally, are you WORRIED?


Ariel said...

so so, because I don´t to make nothing... :(

Sandra said...

Human influenza A H1N1 is a type of respiratory disease. The symptoms are similar to the common flu: fever, sore throat, congestion, joint pains, cough, etc.
Can be transmitted by two ways:
-By contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus.
-By contact with a person who has the virus influenza.
There are some steps to prevent the propagation of the virus:
-wash hands several times a day
-use facial tissue instead of handkerchief
-do not visit sick people
-avoid public contact (handshaking, kissing)
-clean frecuently surfaces that could be contaminated.

The form of verb used in "How to wash your hands?" is the infinitive.

I´m not worried about the influenza, because I try to follow all the advices to protect my health.